Sunday, June 16, 2019

INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT 4 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

INDIVIDUAL 4 - Assignment Examplely with the source or directly with the customer as opposed to prior models of integration that cogitate almost exclusively on middle men and the roles of corporate meet and greets with the representative shareholders within the process.In much the same way, things similar to webinars have the cleverness to drastically reshape the landscape of traditional sales channels. Although this may seem as a bit of a bold statement, the fact of the matter is that something deal a webinar is exponentially cheaper than flying company representatives to a given location, catering a meal, and providing hotel accommodations for the shareholders while there (LaGarde & Whitehead 4). As a function of this factor, on with many others that have not been mentioned, the company, firm, or organization is able to integrate with a far higher level of potential clientele and at a far cheaper rate. This necessarily compounds the percentage likelihood that the firms endeavor s will result in an overall increase in the bottom line thereby benefiting the profitability and the business model of the firm in

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