Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Study On Biblical Inerrancy Essay - 1200 Words

CASE STUDY ANALYSIS #2 (Biblical Inerrancy) By Tammy Alexander As I read this case study on biblical inerrancy, I needed more information. When I looked up the word inerrancy and saw that it meant lack of error, I didn’t realize the magnitude of information there was to prove the Bible isn’t true or has errors in it. After reading a majority of the book, Making Sense of Your World by Phillips, Brown, and Stonestreet, I have a better understanding of the different types of worldviews there are that negate the truth and meaning behind God and the Bible. On page 113 of Making Sense of Your World, the book states the Bible claims to be God’s absolute true Word. However, making this claim does not mean it is true. Yet, if this were not true, Christians would not make these claims. So, how do we Christians go about proving to a skeptic that the Bible is inerrant? There are several different approaches to proving the Bible is true. A typical response is by Christians who’ve had changes in their lives that was inspired by their belief in God and the truth in Scriptures. Many new believers or believers that have had significant circumstances look to 2 Corinthians 5:17, â€Å"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!† Although a new believer or one with a changed life is a grand occurrence, it alone does not give the full proof that the Bible is true. According to some Christians, when asked about the inerrancy of the Bible, theyShow MoreRelatedShort Essay of Inspiration and Inerrancy794 Words   |  4 PagesShort Essay of Inspiration and Inerrancy I study the Word of God, because I am passionate to know my Savior more. When you want to know more about a subject or about a person, you do research, and study to find out more about it. I want to know more about Jesus and his redemption story. 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